Parasitic Architecture
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Parasitic Architecture

Parasitic architecture is simply a building attached to an existing larger structure. They all expand the volumes of the existing structures and sometimes even develop their functions. Conversions, adaptations, and temporality of these structures stem from growing impact of everyday mobility.

This architectural approach has helped resolve many urban community problems and gaps like unaffordable rents, unavailability of space, and provide respite from the heat generated due to overcrowding in the urban area.

Some Examples of Parasitic architecture are as follows :

1. Parasitic Pod : James Furzer, a UK-based architect, began working on parasitic pods in 2015, with the hope of creating a feasible, affordable housing solution for the homeless. He mentioned that his creations were a response to the influx of ‘hostile architecture’ in cities.

2. The Lighthouse : In Bangkok, the All(Zone) architectural firm has an illuminating take. Their creation, The Lighthouse, was envisioned as a nomadic living space that can be quickly installed and taken down. Being a lightweight shelter, it is also an attempt to create a new type of domestic space in a tropical metropolis.

Some more examples include :

Parasitic architecture is cheap to construct, uses space efficiently, and is socially inclusive. However, legal issues could still arise. Ownership, leasehold, and land and air rights will have to be substantially reconsidered to support parasitic architecture.

We hope this article has been both informative and entertaining!

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